Quickies: A Compilation of Salacious & Short Erotic Tales


Sometimes all it takes is a brief taste of something to ensure your wanton desire for more. In Layla Elizabeth Andrews's debut release, that's exactly what she offers. QUICKIES is a compilation of erotic short stories and snippets of prose to tantalize your desire and whet your sexual appetite.

Layla Elizabeth Andrews writes in as much of her spare time as she can muster; she uses word processors and notebooks, receipts and napkin scraps (the mark of a genius, really), and has even been known to litter her computer screen with post-it notes. In addition to writing she enjoys (not the least of which, and in no particular order) reading, kink, sex, and chocolate. Layla lives in Pennsylvania as a self-proclaimed sapiosexual, where she continues to collect her paper scraps of dreams, experiences, and fantasies for future erotic writing pleasures and endeavors.
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